The opening of the second season of the international Bulgarian symphonic GENESIS ORCHESTRA

The second season of the international Bulgarian symphonic GENESIS ORCHESTRA will be officially opened with a concert on the eve of the birth of the unique Ferenz Liszt, 160 years after the world premiere of “Faust Symphony”.


One of the most prominent contemporary composers Peteris Vasks determines Yordan Kamdzhalov as the best interpreter of Gorecki’s Symphony No. 3 – “Symphony of Sorrowful Songs.” ever, naming him “a volcano and an ascetic”.

Born in Bulgaria and a graduate of the Hochschule für Musik, Berlin, Yordan Kamdzhalov was unanimously chosen as General Music Director by the City of Heidelberg in 2011. At the age of 30, this appointment involved the Chief Conductorship of the Opera Theater, of the Heidelberg Philharmonic Orchestra and Heidelberg’s Schloss Festival. He has also worked with a range of international orchestras, notably the Zurich Tonhalle, the New Japan Philharmonic, where he was reinvited to conduct the 2016 NY concerts in Tokyo, the Beethovenorchester Bonn, the Sinfonieorchester Basel, the Hamburger Symphoniker and, as cover conductor to Esa-Pekka Salonen, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra. He was unanimously awarded Music Critics’ Award at the Central European Music Festival Allegretto. He has conducted with great success the Hamburger Symphoniker, the Orquestra Sinfonica Portuguesa, the English Chamber Orchestra at London’s Cadogan Hall, the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin and many others.

Earlier in his career he has been unanimously awarded 1st Prize at the Jorma Panula International Conducting Competition (2009) and the following year 3rd Prize at the Gustav Mahler Conducting Competition, Bamberg (2010); he was also selected to work over an extended period with the Philharmonia and London Philharmonic Orchestras as part of the Allianz Cultural Programme.

Kamdzhalov has a particular interest in both contemporary music and astronomy, something recognized by NASA who named a planet after him (their citation reads “With his passion for astronomy, he connects the world of music with the fascination for the universe”). Kamdzhalov is Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the Berlin Group International Ensemble Innorelatio, which he established in 2006. His German debut was in 2005 with a World Première at the Komische Oper, Berlin.

At the age of 29, Yordan Kamdzhalov established his Foundation, aiming to support young and extremely talented Bulgarian artists, which shows his strong social engagement. In 2015 he took the responsibility of becoming artistic director and principle conductor of the new international GENESIS ORCHESTRA.

In 2017, together with the renowned piano duo Genova & Dimitrov, he has been chosen for one of the most prestigious European awards – ECHO Klassik.


The international Bulgarian symphonic GENESIS ORCHESTRA, which after its first concert has already been defined as “a new page in our cultural history”, is a center of the Conceptual Cultural Project of the visionary Yordan Kamdzhalov, who takes the responsibility of being its artistic director and principal conductor. The project unites well renowned Bulgarian musicians from the country, Europe, America and Asia. Led by their high professionalism, experience and passion for music, they unite in order to send new dimensions and impulses for the development of the cultural space. GENESIS ORCHESTRA is a platform, which creates conditions for sound bridges between cultures, styles and people through the universal language of music. The central motivation is the creation of social catalyst, aiming to the most powerful and true transmission of fundamental messages, residing in the music space, towards the essence of the Man. In the year it was created (2016), GENESIS ORCHESTRA already recorded for the prestigious German label CPO records and participated in concerts in Germany.

GENESIS ORCHESTRA also organizes orchestra academy, allowing young talents to gain knowledge, experience and repertoire through the contact with renowned professionalists.

The Concert master of the California Chamber Orchestra Simeon Simeonov, will be the leader of the orchestra at the opening of the season.

Yordan Kamdzhalov – conductor


Musical Introduction – the mystery of Goethe’s Faust through the prism of the musical genious of Franz Liszt. –

Franz Liszt – “Faust” Symphony


Uwe Marcus Magnus Rykov aus Charlottenburg


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