American Church BerlinWe are an ecumenical, international church. Our members come from more than 17 Christian denominations and 30 different nations. With all the diversity of our backgrounds, we are united by our Christian faith, the English language and the spirit of generosity that appreciates and rejoices in our differences as well as in all we have in common as Christian sisters and brothers.
Pastor Dr. Ben H. Coltvet
Sunday Worship: 11:00 AM
Sunday Gospel Praise Worship: 1:30 PM
Sunday School (Sundays) 11:00 AM during worship
Confirmation: (Sundays) 12:15 to 1:15 PM
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Come and join us at The American Church in Berlin for an evening filled with beautiful gospel music on April 14 2018 at 6 p.m. (free admission) presented to you by Drøbak Gospel, a Norwegian choir with around 50 members, singing mostly gospel music, but also pop and some Norwegian folk songs, led by Linda Kristengård Skyttemyr and our own ACB Gospel Choir led by Nanita Rica Winniewski!
Liebe liegt in der Luft Valentinstag-Special mit Gospel und Christian Pop Musik in der Amerikanischen Kirche in Berlin Für Amerikaner ist der Valentinstag, oder Valentine’s Day, ein sehr bedeutsamer Tag. Mitten im kalten Februar beschenken sich Liebende mit Blumen und Süßigkeiten. Ein romantisches Abendvergnügen darf an diesem Tag nicht fehlen. Und ein musikalisches Valentins-Vergnügen bietet am Samstag, dem 24. Februar in der Lutherkirche am Dennewitzplatz die Band The Berlin Grapes von...
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